Florida has around 20 million people which makes it one of the top 3 populated states in U.S.A. Based on statistics according to SAMHSA, around 3.8% of adults living in Florida have chronic health conditions like major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, PTSD, anxiety etc.
The Florida Department of Children and Families Substance Abuse and Mental Health program is responsible for the provision of public mental health and substance abuse services.
Out of the number of adults who have mental illness, around 36.3% adults receive treatments. The 63.7% adults do not receive any mental health treatment.
Out of the 50 states in the United States, Florida ranks 28 notable for providing mental health services and solutions to people with mental health problems.
It would interest you to know that anyone can have mental health problems as it is independent of age, status, ethnicity and the likes.
But the sad part is, a number of people do not know they have mental health problems. By the time they discover, it would have developed into a chronic condition that would be difficult to treat.
Generally, the first step in treating mental health problems is by acknowledging you have them. And the only way to properly do it is to see a mental health counselor. When you suspect that you are showing some signs of mental health problems, it is best to see a mental health counselor.
The mental health counselor will conduct series of in-depth evaluation that would help to determine if you truly have mental health problems. This evaluation is known as psychotherapy and it also helps the counselor to know the next line of action.
For some people, they would remain within the confines of the mental health facility because their health condition is chronic. While for others, they will receive various forms of mental health treatment when they come from home.